Herbs Examine the Need for High Blood, Diabetes, Uric Acid, and Heart Disorders
Herbs Examine the Need for High Blood, Diabetes, Uric Acid, and Heart Disorders!
In Tahiti, since 1,600 years ago, Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia) is considered a sacred fruit and revered by the "Kahuna" (healers) in many villages because of its usefulness to cure. Until now, Noni is known as one of the multikhasiat herbs in Tahiti.
When you are looking for a tested herb to improve your health problems, Noni juice is the answer. Noni has helped so many people around the world to get rid of their health problems. Noni juice is the best health drink in the world! Based on one modern study conducted, it is known there are at least 30 health problems that can be assisted by this herb.
This article will cover various questions about Noni, such as: Why is Noni juice so nutritious and well liked by many people? Is Noni juice suitable for the disease I suffer?And how to get it? Get all the answers by continuing to read this great article.
The benefits of Noni Juice for you
Noni juice is the most widespread herbal product worldwide! Interest in many people because of its usefulness can help the treatment of various minor or severe diseases, such as:
High blood pressure
Heart problems
Diabetes types 1 & 2
Uric acid
Stroke is light or heavy
Stress & depression
and many more...
The news about the efficacy of Noni in helping the treatment of various diseases is not only based on the various experiences healed from its users spread by word of mouth, but also with the support of various scientific research.
One of the most discussed researches on Noni Juice was made by Dr. Neil Solomoninvolving 25,314 users of Noni juice from 80 countries with 1,227 health experts. His research focuses on Noni juice products containing only 89% Noni juice.
The results of the survey showed that Noni juice can help restore severe illnesses, such as high blood pressure (hypertension), type 1 & 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke, obesity, arthritis, depression , allergies, insomnia, kidney disease, and more.The full list can be seen in the table below.
First of all, let's look at how Noni works in helping treat some of the most common ailments today.
High Blood, Heart Disorders, Stroke
In 1993, University of Hawaii researchers managed to separate the scopoletin substances from Noni fruit. Dr. Neil Solomon, MD.PhD reported that the Noni fruit contains a kind of phytonutrients, namely scopoletin which serves to widen and flex the blood vessel channels that have narrowing or blockage and clean the sediment that causes it.
When the blood vessels become supple, the blood pressure becomes normal again and the heart's work to pump blood becomes less severe. Therefore, many patients with heart disease symptoms report that their shortness of breath is lost or decreased not long after drinking Noni juice.
If the blockage of blood vessels is not immediately addressed, it will result in various diseases such as high blood pressure (hypertension), stroke, heart problems, and eventually become a heart disease that permanently damages the heart muscle so as not to get enough blood and oxygen supply .
Type 1 & 2 Diabetes
Noni acts as an adaptogen that will help the sick cells to heal itself.
In the case of diabetes, Noni will help beta cells in the non-functioning pancreas to recover in receiving and using glucose carried in the bloodstream. In general, people with diabetes have started to feel the benefits since the first month of use of Noni juice if taken regularly.
Uric acid
A 2009 study showed how noni juice works in preventing and stopping excess uric acid production. The results are published in a journal entitled "Xanthine oxidase inhibiting effects of noni (Morinda citrifolia) fruit juice."
In vitro tests in the laboratory, the researchers observed that Noni juice works to inhibit the performance of enzymes excessive xanthine oxidase that triggers high uric acid levels. They concluded that the inhibitory effect on the enzyme it is a natural way of working Noni in recovering uric acid disease as well as other similar types of diseases.
You can see more clearly about the benefits of Noni juice in overcoming uric acid in the article: Noni Juice-Natural Uric Acid Complete Unwilling No-Sickness!
Stress & Depression
One of the other capabilities possessed by scopoletin is that it can bind serotonin.According to Dr. Harrison (DC.General Hospital, USA), scopoletin can increase the activity of penental glands present in the brain, which is where serotonin is produced and then used to produce the hormone melatonin.
Serotonin and melatonin help regulate some body activities that relieve stress, such as sleep, temperature regulation, mood , puberty and egg production cycles, hunger, and sexual behavior.
Serotonin deficiency in the body can lead to migraine diseases, dizziness, stress, depression, even Alzheimer's disease.
If you want to know more about the mechanism of Noni juice in reducing stress, please see the article: Herbal Jitu to Help Overcome Stress to the Roots!
Cancer & Tumors
Research shows that the damnachantal contained in Noni can inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells significantly.
In addition, another study also proved that Noni juice is useful to stimulate the body to reproduce the elements of the body to fight cancer, such as nitric oxide, interleukin (a mediator of the immune system created by and affect the lymphocytes), interferon (cytokines that prevent super occurrence infection by other viruses), tumor necrosis factor, lipopolysaccharide and other cancer killer cells.
Whereas, Dr. Judah Folkman from Harvard University mentioned that Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in inhibiting blood flow leading to tumor cells and cancer so that the cells do not get food deliveries to stay alive.
You can read more about the benefits of Noni for cancer and tumors in the article: Cancer Treatment with Noni Juice .
But for better results and faster healing processes, especially for cancer and tumors, we recommend that Noni juice be combined with Papuan Sarang Sarang herbs.
Viral Infections, Bacteria, and Parasites
Scientific research conducted by Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii revealed that Noni Juice contains compounds rich in polysaccharides that are known to boost the immune system through increased activity of white blood cells .
Furthermore, Noni is also known to stimulate the body's ability to create nitric oxide that kills viral, bacterial, parasitic, and other bacterial infections. The compounds found in Noni work as a catalyst to stimulate natural immunity in your body.
Find out more about how Noni Juice works against virus infections, bacteria and parasites in the following article: How it Works Noni Juice as Anti Virus, Bacteria, and Parasites .
Women's Beauty
Noni Juice has an abundance of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs. If the body's nutritional needs are met, then the immune system will be more effective in protecting or restoring any damage to the body, including on your skin that has a direct impact on beauty.
Noni content such as selenium, iron, zinc , and manganese can activate antioxidant enzymes in the body that work to reduce the oxidation of skin cells so the skin will look brighter . Noni also contains many vitamins C and E, anthraquinone, flavonoids, and phenols that work together to solve the problem of acne skin .
Not only improve your outer appearance with healthy skin, this herb also helps exude the beauty of the inside. Noni has a variety of content that helps you have excellent energy levels, ideal body weight, not easy to stress, enough sleep , so that will perfect your beauty.
To read more about Noni's virtues for beauty, please visit the article: Miranda Kerr-The Most Beautiful Woman in the World, It Turns Her Beauty Secrets Comes from Indonesia!
What about diseases that are not reviewed or not contained in Dr. Neil Solomon above, can also help heal with Noni?
Very likely to be helped! Because of the abundance of beneficial nutrients in Noni fruit.No wonder in the herbal world, Noni fruit is categorized as panacea. An herb can be categorized as a panacea when the herb is proven empirically can help the treatment of various types of diseases .
To be more clear please read on the interesting information below.
Reasons Why Noni Can Quell Many Illnesses?
The secret lies here, scientific research shows that the constituents in the Noni fruit have properties to stimulate immune response, cleanse the blood, regulate cell function, regenerate damaged cells, and inhibit free radical growth.
Phytochemicals contained in the fruit Noni has efficacy for disease prevention and rich in antioxidant content. Noni itself has a very wide spectrum of phytochemicals, some of which are found only in Noni fruits. These phytochemicals synergize with each other to improve the function of the body's organ that is impaired.
Specific contents such as damnachantal and scopoletin useful to eliminate the impact of damage (disease) due to the body can not perform its function properly.
Noni also works directly to the root of the problem by helping the body repair itself in order to perform its functions properly. Thus, no negative impacts arise (disease) due to the body fail to perform its function.
In other words, the performance of Noni can be likened to fixing a leaking house.There is a Noni content that works like a water container and mop to keep the conditions inside the house dry and comfortable even though the water continues to drip so that the impact of the leak can be neutralized.
While from the other side, there is the content of Noni which is responsible for coating or closing the leaking roof so that the roof of the house can perform its function as a protector of rain water. Such is the simple explanation of how Noni juice works in improving your body's health.
All you need to remember from Noni juice is the only time-tested herb in overcoming various illnesses and has been supported by so many scientific studies , involving so many people and health experts. So you should not hesitate if you want to use Noni juice to make your health better and free from various diseases.