7 Herbal Remedies Traditional Diabetes Drugs
7 Herbal Remedies Traditional Diabetes Drugs
For those of you who are diagnosed with diabetes, You often have to get stuck in a condition to continue taking medication, most likely up to your lifetime. The high dependence you have on diabetes drugs
this can actually be a simalakama, because anyway of course there are side effects that you need to face.

For that we try to share with you some herbal recipes traditional medicine of diabetes.By adding herbal intake to your treatment, it will help you to reduce the daily dose of medicines you should take per day. Which means it will also suppress the side effects that can threaten your body condition.
In one of the journals published by Michigan University in 2006, the association of kidney function impairment in long-term diabetic patients was suggested. High levels of glucose in the blood often become a separate burden for the kidneys as part of the fluid management system in the body.
Meanwhile, with the high intake of diabetes-specific drugs, the kidney work becomes more severe as it simultaneously helps suppress the residual effects of the drug. This is what then causes the number of cases of damage or decline in kidney conditions in diabetics.
Handling Diabetes with Traditional Diabetes Drugs
Traditional diabetes drugs can be one solution for those who have to live with diabetes drugs medical for life. This treatment will help overcome the blood sugar levels, even some traditional recipes have unique abilities that address diabetes to the root of the problem.
With the help of traditional herbs, patients can reduce the dose of medical drugs as well as help find alternative solutions to overcome diabetes. And as for some traditional diabetes prescription options commonly used among others.
Leaves Sambiloto
Sambiloto leaves It has a distinctive bitter taste derived from a unique compound called andrographolide. This compound works to neutralize blood sugar levels. Working with alkaloids and flavonoids helps maximize the body's absorptive capacity against excess sugar in the blood and boosts metabolism.To consume as a traditional medicine of diabetes, simply boil these 7 leaves with water 3 cups until the remaining 2 cups. You can add other herbs like brotowaliand a cat's whiskers .
Red betel leaves
Red betel leafhas a strong red hue and can be a sign of the richness of flavonoids in it. Flavonoids are known to be very effective in helping to increase the work of the pancreas and help neutralize blood sugar levels by increasing metabolism that will obviously increase glucose burning in the body.
Red betel also contains good alkaloids, tannins, saponins and carvatrol helps increase the absorption of cells against glucose and neutralizes the excess sugar in the blood. Traditional herbs of diabetes with red betel can you make by boiling 5 pieces of red betel leaf medium size with water 3 cups until the remaining 1.5 cups. Drink 3 times a day for 4 days to get optimal results.Fruit Pare
Not just because the more fruit is considered as this vegetable taste bitter so it is suitable to be a bidder of diabetes. Because in pare also contained good sulfonylurea to help work like insulin in exerting blood sugar into the cells. Facts about pare as a diabetes drug already revealed in Asia Pacific Journal of Nutrition. How to manufacture traditional diabetes with pare is also easy enough to blend alone. Adding it in the daily diet is also quite effective to lower blood sugar levels.Turmeric
In seasoning this one is known to exist a large amount of curcuminoid. Not only that in UGM pharmaceutical research also found the existence of a kind of unique compounds that can help insulin performance, sesquiterpen. Other unique ingredients such as turminoid also proved to help dilate the pores of cells and help increase the absorption of cells against glucose. Add boiled water intake 4 segment turmeric fresh with water as much as 2 glasses each day to lower blood sugar effectively.Brotowali Leaves
In this leaf herbal world this one is known as one of the raw ingredients of bitter herb. Usually boiled until boiled water is solid black. This leaf is also known as one of the herbs with a very strong bitterness. The laity then assumes this bitter taste that causes brotowali powerful to reduce blood sugar.Nothing is wrong because the pikroretin compound as a bitter element can encourage the function of insulin in the body. There are also tinokrisposid compounds that are shown to help increase metabolism and encourage the absorption of blood glucose.Soursop leaf
Soursop leaf known as acetogenic content that helps increase the absorption of body cells against blood glucose. Higenamine in soursop leaves also known to help improve the function of the pancreas and reticuline helps reactivate the function of insulin in the body.Add boiling water as much as 3 cups into 7 sheets of soursop leaves. Boil in low heat until remaining ½ part and drink in 3 equal portions a day. Repeat and routine for 3 - 10 days for effective results of traditional diabetes drugs.Daun Mahkota Dewa
In the crown of the gods found a large number of saponins are known to help lower glucose in the blood. Flavonoids will both increase the body's absorptive capacity against excess blood glucose and increase combustion.Usually to consume this traditional herb diabetes is enough to boil a handful of gods crown leaves with water as much as 3 cups until the water remaining 1.5 cups. Potion drunk as much as 3 doses per day.
Safe Choice of Traditional Diabetes Drugs
In addition to the row of recipes above, there is another traditional herb derived from a kind of tropical fruit that is known to have very high efficacy as a traditional medicine of diabetes. Of course you yourself are quite familiar with the fruit with the smell and taste of this unique, noni fruit.
This fruit has been widely known as a herbal variety of diseases, and has been used in various areas of Southeast Asia, polynesia until the Pacific region. Some research on this has also been developed related to its benefits against several diseases, including diabetes and any conditions that may accompany complications.
One of the largest research on noni fruit was developed by Dr. Neil Solomon from John Hopkins University USA. In a study involving 1227 health professionals, at least 25314 patients with various complaints from 80 countries including diabetes patients were 5575 people. In this research proved that Noni Juice with levels of 98% of noni fruit regularly diasup for 1 month will be effective to overcome diabetic complaints of 82%.
In another study released in Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine in 2008 it was said that in noni fruit contained good saponins to overcome the condition of body resistance to insulin.
Noni fruit is also known to contain scolopetin, a special compound that is able to re-launch blood flow by dilating blood vessels. This widening effect helps the blood flow well into the whole body allowing glucose to reach the body's smallest cells optimally.
In addition, the damnachantal, xeronin and terpenoid content in it proved to be effective for cell rejuvenation, pancreas repair, cell damage prevention due to the effects of body cells lacking glucose intake and due to overloaded kidneys and liver absorption of glucose from the blood. Some research proves this truth as it was released the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology from India in 2010 and the University of the West Indies Journal in 2010.
The content of flavonoids, saponins and soranjidiol in noni fruit is also proven to increase metabolism, absorption of cells against glucose and help the kidneys to increase its absorption of glucose in the blood to then channeled into the urine, so it is very effective to help reduce glucose levels quickly.
Clearly based on the row of facts we reveal above, noni fruit can be one alternative solution for those of you who are looking for traditional diabetes drugs are natural and safe. For a safe dose, you can consume 9.9 mm to 188 mm for 30 days in 98% composition. This composition is based on one of the researches whose results have been released in the Science World Journal that release in 2012. Add more water for maximum treatment results.