Belly Fat Stages Of Abs Development Pictures Female

  Belly Fat Stages Of Abs Development Pictures Female - To the majority of people, a neat row of washboard abs is a sign of a high level of fitness. Highly defined and toned abdominal muscles are a huge goal for many gym-goers, as there’s no better look on the beach or by the pool than a totally shredded abdomen. There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the subject of Belly Fat Stages Of Abs Development, so today we’re going to explain exactly what lies under the surface of your stomach.   How Abs Are Built It Not S Just Not Eating Right But Consistent


The Myth of 8 Pack Abs 

So, now we know that the rectus abdominis (more commonly known as the abs) is actually just two muscles running parallel down the abdomen. So why does everyone not just have one ab on each side? Unfortunately for some, the answer lies in genetics. Everybody has two rectus abdominis muscles, but not everyone has the same number of bands of connective tissue. These bands run horizontally across the abdomen and give the appearance of a 6-pack or 8-pack, and the number you’re born with is completely up to chance. 

Unfortunately, no matter how hard you train, it is impossible to upgrade from a 4-pack to a 6-pack. Once your abdominal muscles are toned and defined, the number of abs you have is permanent. Any personal trainer or workout plan promising totally shredded 8-pack abs is lying to you; the so-called number of abdominal muscles you can achieve is pre-defined by genetics and something you need to accept. 

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4-Pack vs 6-Pack vs 8-Pack Abs

So exactly how common are those highly sought-after 8 pack abs? Well, approximately 20% of all people sport the correct number of horizontal bands to achieve an 8-pack. For a 6-pack, the number is around 60%. About 15% of the general population have 4-pack abs, while 2% can only ever achieve a 2-pack. Then, even rarer than the 2-pack is a total of 10 or even 12 abdominal muscles, meaning 5 or 6 bands of the connective fascia. These statistics are the same for men as for women, with the most common being 6-pack for everyone. 

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How To Get Better Abs

So, we’ve established that you cannot get more abs; the number you’re born with is the number you’re stuck with. Everyone, however, can get better abs. Even though you might be disappointed you can’t achieve a rippling 8-pack abdomen, you can still work towards a more toned and defined physique. There are plenty of ways to improve the appearance of your abdominal muscles and feel more confident with your shirt off. 

The human body tends to store a lot of extra body fat around the midsection, so one of the quickest ways to get your abs to pop out more is to lose weight. To get the kind of definition seen on the silver screen, you need to be fairly lean. At a body fat percentage of around 10%, you’ll start to see abdominal muscles appearing. This percentage can be a little higher for women. Getting abdominal muscles is twofold; first, you need to cut body fat in order to make these muscles visible. After that, you can begin building them up to achieve more definition. Burning body fat can be a difficult endeavor, but it’s easy if you supplement a thermogenic fat burner


Disappointed With Your 4-Pack? 

If you feel like you lost the genetic lottery and got stuck with an unsatisfactory number of abdominal muscles, there are a few actions you can take. You’ve shredded all your belly fat and done plenty of planking to find out that a 4-pack is the best that you can achieve. So what’s next? We recommend working the obliques. The external obliques are a fairly large muscle group which begin at the sides of your abs and then run upwards around your torso. Building up these muscles definitely adds to the look of toned abs, and can fill in some space in the solace of a 6-pack or 8-pack. 


Burning Fat For Fantastic Abs

So we now know that a low percentage of body fat is necessary to define your abs. It’s perfectly natural to have a layer of fat on your abdomen, but this can get in the way of the sculpted look you're trying to achieve. No matter how built your abdominal muscles are, if you have too much body fat, you won’t be able to see them. We also know that it’s not possible to spot-reduce fat; no amount of sit-ups and crunches are going to melt away the fat in your abdomen. So, to lose overall body fat and make your muscles more visible, you need to create a calorie deficit. 

Working on a reduced number of calories is a tricky business for lifters because it can negatively affect your progress in other areas. If you work for too long in a calorie deficit, you could suffer from a slower metabolism, giving you less energy to perform in your workouts. 

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Building Abs by Building All-Over Muscles 

Training your whole body will automatically train your abdominal muscles. Shredded abs are just one part of a fantastic physique, and should not be isolated too much. After all, you don’t want to have great abs without having any other muscles at all. One of the best ways to support the development of your abs is to do more compound exercises, movements that train multiple large muscle groups in the body. Exercises like the bench press, squat, deadlift, pull-up, and chin-up, rows, and more allow you to lift more weight by using many muscle groups in tandem. Instead of isolating the different areas of your body, building multiple groups at the same time is a much more effective form of strength training. Any lift or exercise which needs stabilization from the core (aka most of them) helps build your abdominal muscles. 

The Truth About Abs

In reality, abdominal muscles are some of the most aesthetically important, but least important strength-wise. Toned abdominal muscles do not equal a ripped physique, and you can be incredibly well built without having much definition in the abs at all. They say that abs are built in the kitchen and not the gym, so a lack of abs doesn’t mean you aren’t working out hard enough. However, to achieve a fully toned body with muscles popping from head to toe, you need to balance all areas of fitness. 

Six-pack abs are not inherently better than 4-pack abs, nor are they worse than an eight pack. The number of abdominal bands you’re born with cannot be changed; all you can do is work to improve and define what you already have. If you want abs muscles which are more impressive, the easiest way to achieve this is to work towards a better overall level of strength and fitness.

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